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Who we are
Shaping a future where people live and work sustainably with water
Changes in our climate mean that water will become scarcer in many places, increasingly volatile in others, but no less vital. Our ability to build sustainable communities, industries and infrastructure will become more challenging.

Understanding the movement, changing behaviour and influence of water in the natural and built environment is essential to our future well-being.

Drawing on our unique capabilities in science, technology and engineering, we invest in knowledge to deliver insight and innovation. We harness research, intelligent data and the power of our collective expertise to design smarter, more resilient solutions to address future challenges and opportunities in, on and near water.

We are the global leaders and independent experts in how to live and work sustainably with water.

Sim-On Gas™ 能够从网页端实时了解燃气输配管网系统现状和未来运行情况,从而辅助城镇燃气管网的调度和运维。它整合了离线燃气模型软件Probe Gas的引擎,自动连接实时监测系统SCADA数据和智能燃气表数据。
Probe Gas是一款分析稳定状态下燃气(或其他可压缩气体)输配管网的理想工具。帮助您高效管理所有燃气管网相关信息:从几何结构到气体压力调节器、需求分配末端高程数据等。
Sim-On Gas Design 在线设计模型系统,扩展模型的应用到各个部门
Sim-On™ Water供水管网实时漏损管理及定位系统(DMA及主干管网)是网页端应用,能有效识别和定位供水网络中的漏损。